Level 1 £170; Level 2 £220 (Must be preceded by Level 1)
This course is a two part introduction to Digital Underwater Photography. The course helps student divers to develop the knowledge, skills and practical techniques necessary to obtain excellent photgraphs with their digital camera.
What's included?
PADI Digital Photographer E learning
2 Open Water Dives
All in water and photography tuition
Level 1 takes place in a either a pool or open water and includes:
Equipment needed to take great underwater photos.
How to prepare and underwater photo system.
Basic underwater photo techniques while diving in an environmentally friendly manner.
Level 2 is in Open Water and includes:
A workshop to learn how to download and backup images, organise, process, and share images.
Expanding knowledge on file formats, resolution settings, getting good colour, and making images lighter or darker.