August proved a busy month for Northampton Scuba School at Stoney Cove as we completed our Rescue Course, progressed our Dive Master Trainees, signed off a new Assistant Instructor and held an Open Water Weekend.
A Rescue Course is always an exciting and challenging day in open water, and our candidates were excited to arrive at Stoney to complete theirs on the 10th August. Conditions however weren't ideal - despite the sun, the visibility sadly was a poor 1 to 2 metres at best, but this made for more realistic rescue situations and our divers certainly rose to the challenge. Sam, Drew and Kev displayed great teamwork working through the 10 rescue exercises, and the day culminated in the two rescue scenarios. We were pleased to adjourn to the pub to celebrate three newly qualified Rescue Divers, plus Kev and Sam getting sign off on their Master Scuba Diver accreditations. MSD is the highest qualification in recreational diving and this was a proud moment for them, and the school, having brought them both through their initial training and subsequent continuing education.
Day two of the weekend was for our Divemaster trainees Gavin Briggs and James Macleod, and Assistant Instructor candidate Stuart Cowell. This was the opportunity to role play scenarios for sign off, complete rescue exercises and teaching presentations. The day was a big success and went completely to plan! Both DM candidates finished the remainder of their open water exercises (except for the mapping) and Stuart sailed through the teaching element. Cheesy chips and beer were well in order along with congratulations in the pub.
We finished off the month with an Open Water weekend lining up Dean and Kerri Griffin for open water dives 1 to 4 and Becky and Dan Pope for Open Water 1 and 2. The visibility was little improved from earlier in the month, but the students didn't let it bother them and day 1 passed stress free. Day 2 arrived and Dean and Kerri were fired up to get finished and by the end of the two dives were qualified Open Water Divers - top job guys in challenging conditions. The end of day celebratory drinks were well earned and then a few days later they were joined by Becky and Dan as they completed their course.